Chateau Bourbon

Friday, September 10, 2010

Do the filters need cleaning?

I own dozens and dozens of books.  I often read snippets and bits of many books at the same time. A kind of ADHA method of reading…have been doing it for years.  Recently I came across something that gave me an “ah ha moment”…viewing life through our filters.  There may be many filters through which we view life but let’s just chat about three.

1.  Attachments (something we simply cannot live without)
2.  Beliefs (that we’ve been taught and hold to as our truth)
3.  Fears (needs no explanation, right?)

Filters are static in their most extreme, but the world is not static - it’s constantly changing. So if we are venturing through life with immobile plans and the world is moving at warp speed, we’re probably missing the mark.

I instantly thought 'ah-ha' we do the same thing in our hotels (yes both sales and operations).  Maybe we are trying to navigate the waters of today in a boat with the sails and oars are locked up….rusted down…..just old!  Or at the least need oiling.  Let's think about this.

1.  Attachments – hmm maybe an attachment to ‘they way we’ve always done it’.  A set # of calls each month - forget about whether they are good calls or not – just gotta get to the magic and nothing less, no excuses. You know sort of mindless dialing for $$$ we’ve all done it.

What if we put less focus on the number and more on attention to building relationships, better qualifying calls and asking/working referrals.  Could this actually lead to more bookings?  But whoa, wait….we’d have to give up our attachment to the ‘way we’ve always done it’.

2. Beliefs   Our truth as we knew it ‘yesterday’ was the best way to connect with customers is through phone calls.  Maybe in reality the 'new truth' is…they  want to communicate by email or better yet by text.

OK, raise your hands…who is so sick of phone tag that they could just - well you get the point.  We’re all sick of it!  EMAIL ME!  It's not less personal unless you write terrible, inefficient emails (another blog).  Actually it ‘feels’ more efficient and a better use of my time.
But wait…stop just a minute….are you asking me to get outside the box…text are you kidding?  My Jitterbug won’t text.

3. Fears?  Sales people  - “fears – heck I have no fears”.  Actually yes you probably do.  Fear of rejection buried in the hesitancy to pick up that phone?  Or by ‘not asking for the business’, if you don’t ask, then they can't say NO.  And you probably won’t get the business either.

Then there are fears that you don't even think of as fears….wow, this is going to take self-examination.  Or better yet, ask with your Director of Sales.  She/he can help you identify your fears be and how best to work through them.

So what if we get out the filters, look them over and dare to dust them off.

Let got of our attachments.
Expand our beliefs.
Face our fears.

Then maybe we can better row that boat in the changing waters of the world.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Why Do You Do It?

Honestly because I love it. 

If you are in the hotel biz then you know what I mean.  It gets in your blood or maybe under your skin...depends on how you look at it.  The opportunities for new and random adventures with unexpected encounters never stop. And some encounters are so bizarre that others just couldn't believe it.  I'll save those for the book.

It's never the same, each day brings something that you had no idea could or would happen.  Why is that?  I guess it's because we deal with every type person imaginable and have a variety of amenities to offer.  Rooms with all kinds of views and options, suites of every configuration, beds and pillows of all types (see previous blog), restaurants, bars, social areas, meeting space and of course a diversity of things to do, see and experience in our area.

Then we have all walks of life, families, vacationers, business travelers, social groups, clubs, associations, reunions, the list goes on and on.  From birthday parties to business meetings...we see rich, poor (sometimes unfortunately even homeless), young, old, families, singles, serious, fun filled, grouchy, clueless, brilliant, angry, in love.....etc.

So what makes it worth while?  Knowing that each and everyone of them has a true need or reason to be here.  Whether they know it or not, they were 'sold or marketed' to and it got them to us.  It's hard work on our end and sometimes only seconds (with high-speed connections just nanoseconds) on their end.

But regardless of how they found us, it's worth it to us.  We honestly live for this!  Build it and they will come is our daily mantra.  It's already we say COME!  'Let us give you rest.'

Ask anyone who has spent a day, or a lifetime, in the world of the hotels and they will tell you....THEY are why we're here, THEY are why we get up at
'the crack of dawn' and work until
'the sun goes down' (without lunch sometimes), THEY are always worth our time.

If you don't love it you don't stay.  I think there are may other businesses that can say the same thing.  Retail, restaurants, healthcare, and on it goes.  Bottom line we do it because we care and we want to make a difference in someone's life.

Here's to making a difference!  And if we make a difference be sure and let us know.  It means a lot and hey might just keep us going for next 10 or 20+ years.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Sometimes It Pays To Stay Full Service

A hotel sales person always looks for the 'edge' when it comes to selling against your competitors.  If you represent a select service hotel you  outline the things that set you apart from the other guys.  And those of us in full service do the same thing - talk about what advantages we offer.  The following story is a grand example of why
"sometimes it pays to stay full service".

Let me start by saying I don't want to offend those that work (and hard I might add) in limited, select or focus service hotels.  I actually love your properties and truth be told when traveling on my own dime, I always stay with you.  Moving on.....

My friend Bob (all names have been changed to protect the guilty) recently took a 'weekend get-away' to meet old Navy buddies.  Allow me to set the story for you, these guys go way back.  And I’ll be gentle, but it’s been a few years (ok maybe 40+).  Their bond is strong, they don't get together often but when they do they laugh, have a drink (or 20) and reminiscing about the old days.

They agreed on a city, equal distance for each, that would provide more than a few bars for hopping.  They chose a 'full service' hotel for no particular reason other than location.  They arrive on a Friday evening and check-in to this nice establishment.

The evening begins at a Mexican Restaurant, 4 guys and 2 wives.  And boy, oh boy have those wives heard these stories over and over and over.  A few drinks, some Mexican food and this evening is up and running.  Off to the next bar....a few more drinks (wives a little bored by now - yet hanging in).

Then a Bar-B-Q joint with a kickin' blues band (now if that doesn't call for a few more drinks, I don't know what does).  Wives feel like going AWOL, but still along for the ride.

What next, why of course a bar called "Old Car Heaven" (don't ask....yes, booze and old cars - what more can you ask for) and music too.  Wives collapsed by now.  Ok you get the picture...the evening went late and involved a multitude of adult beverages.

Now here is where the story gets interesting.  After all the fun, drinks and story tellin' they can stand, they return to the hotel for a good nights sleep.

Smack dab in the middle of the night Bob gets the urge to eliminate some of the previously consumed liquids.  He arises, opens the door, goes through the door, hears the door close and then realizes.....he's not in the bathroom but rather in the hallway of the hotel!  The soft click of the door behind him brings him to reality that he is in his usual sleeping attire....'au natural'.  Yep, he's buck naked in the hall of a hotel at 3am in the morning. 
"Holy %@&* Batman, I think I feel a breeze."

In his fully now awake state of panic he thinks....what does one do in these circumstances?  Naturally go knock on Jack's door (Navy buddy just a few rooms down).  But Jack, the other single guy in the group, takes a bucket load of meds and is out for the night. Bob not wanting to wake everyone around (but not including Jack) foregoes pounding on his door.

Plan B:  Look for a hall phone! Yes, of course a house phone by the elevator, every floor has one...right???  Nope, no house phone.  Yikes....."What now Batman?"

Plan C:  Ride the elevator down (sans clothes) to alert the desk of his desperate situation.  Well Plan C it is and he slinks toward the the elevator.  Then low and behold what does he see???  (Here's where full service becomes important.)  A room service tray with a NAPKIN, a glorious large, cloth napkin on top.  He almost shouts ~"Hallelujah"~.

With his new loin cloth, in place Bob heads to the the elevator.  Much to his relief and gratitude he rides alone all the way to the lobby.  He hides behind the corner and shouts to the Night Auditor "locked out of room 912".  The Night Auditor being a pro at 'all things unusual' answers, "no problem, I'll send someone right up".

Miraculously Bob again rides alone and scurries toward to his room. He backs his 'un-napkined' side against the wall and waits for rescue.  Soon the engineer makes his way down the hall as both men avoid eye contact.  Being a good hotel employee (and also used to 'all things unusual') the he asks Bob to state his full name.  I guess this is ID enough when you are 'buck naked' in the hallway at 3am.  Bob blurts out his full name and voilà - the door is opened.

The next morning Bob joins his buddies for breakfast in the hotel restaurant and brings them up to date on his 'nite-time adventure'.  They howl with laughter as he illustrates the events and all agree this will surely top of the list of their escapades.

So what's the bottom (no pun intended) line of this story?

• Cost of gas for trip to see old Navy buddies - $100.00
• Food and lots of drinks to celebrate old times - $300.00
• Staying in a full service hotel that offers room service  - - -


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

"Just One More Thing"

Might just be the words that land the business.

My hotel uses a secret shopper service, you know the kind that catches you as 'you really are'.  It might actually be someone that comes and checks into the hotel, but in our case its a phone call.

As much as we all personally dread 'being shopped' it is perfect way to see how sales managers sell day to day.  Now of course there is a lot of conversation about this and managers always say "I know when I'm being shopped".  But do they? 

Recently a young, new to the industry, catering manager (who consistently  scores  100% on shop calls) got a call from a bride and she just knew was a shop.  So she did what we preach for all inquiry calls, she pulls out her check-list.  This are a 'cheat sheet' if you will of questions to qualify and gather information and includes reminders to offer features and benefits - (see previous blog "It's Not About The Bed" for more on f&b). But most importantly it prompts one to close (aka ask) for the business'.  See if you really use the check-list on every call (not just shop calls) you will book business (or at least the very least get perfect shop scores). 

Sara pulls out her 'cheat sheet' and begins the process (remember she thinks this is a shop).  She starts at the top and by golly is determined to get through the whole list. The poor bride on the other end is not only NOT SHOPPING HER, she is calling from her job.  And Sara presses on.

At some point the sweet bride (they're all sweet at first) says "Um I need to run, I'm at work".  "But I'll call you back".  To which Sara replies "Just one more thing" and keeps on down her list.  

Finally a now frustrated, yet sweet, bride begs..."I've really got to go!!"  I'm at work".  At which point I think Sara said she might have slipped in one more "Just one more thing".

Poor the cusp of losing her job (which she needs to pay for the outlandish wedding she is about to plan) and good ole Sara relentlessly asking.....asking.... qualifying....qualifying....not about to let her go.

Bottom line, Sara stays focused and on task, but with a nice demeanor.  And guess what...she almost always get the sales!  Why?  Because she's not afraid to say.... "Just one more thing"!  Until she gets to

"YES, send me the contract".

Hey Sara - "Just One More Thing" - you're my hero!  Keep up the terrific work. 

Oh and sure hope the 'sweet bride' didn't lose her job. 

Thursday, August 5, 2010

They Remind Me To Be Thankful!


Just today as I walked through the lobby of my beautiful hotel I had to stop and think.........what am I thankful for?  Why you ask?  Because before me, in a most prominent place, was a huge banner welcoming 400+ soldiers.  Yes United States Army Soldiers, for a conference to help them realize that "they matter and they are important". 

Do you know what it does to you to see 400+ young men and women proudly clad on Army fatigues right in front of you?  I was in awe.  In awe of their numbers, sharp appearance, stature, obvious dedication to their mission (you can tell by watching them), and it all took my breath away.  Each soldier I encountered greeted me with a polite hello and I, of course, reponded likewise.  Again, almost breathless.  I can't convey the respect I have for these young, old, men, women.  I may not totally understand or agree with the wars they must fight, but I do agree they are "Our Finest".  And they are to be thanked and respected!  Nothing less!!!

I'm thankful the person who made the arrangements for them chose our hotel, but I truly feel the honor is all ours.  I think I would feel the very same way if they didn't pay a cent.  Actually in all reality, I think we do owe them!  And how could we ever re-pay them for their service.

I'm certain we will serve them with the usual courtesy we give all our guests.  But its my true desire they enjoy their nights on plush beds, the comfort of our surroundings, the glow of our awe, the abundance of the food and mostlyl the pride we take in having the honor to host them, if only for a few days.

God Bless them and Godspeed an end to all wars that require their service. 

Yes they do remind me to be thankful!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

It's Not Always About The Bed - Or Is It?

In the past few years hotel beds have been all the buzz - even before rainforest shower heads and curved shower rods.  They defined brands, were highly touted and marketed and yes even have impact on total room decor.  Whether it’s the deluxe comforter (stuffed with 18 inches of goose down that might actually suffocate a guest) or the luxury bed spread (featured on; deeply discounted and in last year's colors).  Oh my and don't forget the bed scarf.  Bed scarf!!  What the heck, since when did a bed, much less a hotel bed, need a scarf?  And then that raises the question what to do with the scarf when you sleep?  I've actually used the darn thing for warmth when the room was sub-zero with no other possible setting.  Then all this bed talk naturally leads us to the pillows – oh wait....this is all so complex – I think pillows may actually require their own blog in the future.

Back to my original question, when it comes to the customer is it really about the bed?  Well you don't know unless you ask.

Wait - ask the customer what's important???  Now that is a novel concept isn't it?  I can't tell you how many times I've said in DBR* "What's important to the customer?" and the sales manager has no idea.  Why - because they haven't asked the questions to find out.  The manager will respond something like “they didn’t say" or "I wanted to check the space first".  I could go on and on with excuses for not asking - but you get the point.

Bottom line 'ya gotta ask' or maybe just listen for clues (listening...oops that brings us to a whole new subject that will indeed require a separate blog) when asking other questions.  Like "where will your attendees be coming from"?  Answer - "most are international and will arrive very late after long flights.....hint here - the bed WILL BE IMPORTANT.  And it didn't even take rocket science to figure that out.  So once you know this will lead you to good ole F & B. No not Food and Beverage, but Features and Benefits.  Yep!

This brings us to Features and Benefits.  I once had a sales manager ask me "is a bed a Feature or a Benefit"?  Good grief you are thinking what an elementary question.  But it's a difficult one if you don't know the answer.  So back to the a bed a Feature or a Benefit?  Well in the words of a former boyfriend, Rick, "YES"!  (This was his usual smart@#! answer to any question with 2 possible answers.)  So, is it F or B?

Let's gather more info from per my good friend - Merriam Webster.

Feature - fea·ture
Pronunciation: \ˈfē-chər\
Function: noun
Definition: a prominent part or characteristic.
Use in a sentence - Our beautiful, fully comforted and scarfed beds are a prominent feature of our nicely appointed and decored guest rooms.  (In other words 'we have a bed like most every other hotel in the universe').

Benefit - ben·e·fit
Pronunciation: \ˈbe-nə-ˌfit\
Function: noun
Definition - a: something that promotes well-being; advantage b: useful aid; help
Use in a sentence - Our beautifully comforted and scarfed beds will be a big benefit to your international travelers after late arrival.  (In other words 'you need to book your group with me because we have the BEST DAMN BEDS in the universe').

Ok got it?  Ask the questions so then you can offer the important features and true benefits to the customer. What will this get you, you ask?  A lot of business and most importantly the answer to:

It's Not AboutThe Bed.....or Is It?

Sweet dreams! Wake me when it's booked.

(*Daily business review - a daily meeting where all potential business is discussed.)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Where's St. Lucy When You Need Her?

A few years back when we were all enjoying the blissful ride of 'the economic bubble' I went on hiatus from hotel sales and took a plunge into real estate.  New homes sales to be precise with one of Atlanta's preeminent home builders, John Wieland.  This time spent in the comfort of a beautifully decorated "Sales Center", which is actually a fully built home with offices and displays, molded me into a better sales person.  How you ask?  Let me tell you's called having a little faith!

First off there is a precise way to sell a new home, yes indeed a formula of sorts.  And if you happen to get the incredible training that I was fortunate to receive then you are on your way to being 'fruitful'.  When someone enters your "Sales Center" the first order of this blessed event (a customer comes to you instead of vice/versa) is determining who's "UP".  This simply means you take turns with your fellow sales-mate.  Sort of like 'you go, I go, you go, I go’ get the picture.  And if you are really lucky, like I was, then you have the opportunity to work with a partner like Joanie.

Joan is the quintessential real estate sales person.  She's the type you beg to be placed with especially when you're new.  She fair, she takes turns in the proper way - never pretends she didn't know it wasn't her turn.  She doesn't knock everyone down as she rushes to the door when the tinkle of the doorknob bells ring.  She's smart, been doing this (and well I might add) for a while and yes more than willing to share what she knows.  'How to and How the Heck Not To' work the sale.

So that's how it started for me.  Great neighborhood partner, lovely well-built homes and customers coming in (most days).  What's not to like...nothing?  In fact I loved it with one small exception.  Now this isn't something I didn't like, it's just that it left a permanent knot in my stomach. What pray tell you ask could it be???? 100% Commission.  Yep - foreign turf for an ole hotelier.  Wow.  So this is what real sales people go through.  OK, “I'm up for this...I can do it....I'm trained...I took good notes....I execute well....I have a great partner....I'm in”!  And I was.

I'll never forget my first closing....that's something wonderful I'm just going to tell you.  Money in the bank and a decent amount too, even after all the splits.  So things are rolling along after my ramp up period.  I'm on track, meeting my goals which at that point are somewhere between 2 and 4 contracts per month.  Is that all you're asking, just 2??  Well let me tell you not everyone that walks into a model home is actually going to buy one.

"We're just here to look; we love to look at decorated homes".  "What color paint is in the powder room in the house on Lot H-11?"  I mean really???  And of course you go to your sources and not only get the color name but the number and give them all the details - because you never know they might just decide they would rather buy that bathroom than paint the one they already have.

Well the time came when it was hot...summer had arrived...people were on vacation and not interested in looking at houses.  Except on holidays when they had 'company' and nothing else to do but ride around and look at new homes.  Of course with no intention (and sometimes even means) of buying one - plus they already own one that they hadn't thought about selling in the past 20 years.  So Joan and I are in a little bit of the desert, so to speak.

Now when you hit these 'dry' times you have time to talk and get to know your partner.  You learn a lot about how the other thinks and what they believe.  What they hold dear and what they could and would give up if required.  So I guess it was during this time that Joanie and I really got to know each other.  We are from totally different backgrounds, she's from Queens and I'm a Tennessee gal (-- yeah worlds apart) but we discovered we shared a lot of the same values and beliefs.  So the conversation turned, as it will when you are living on 100% commission and things have dried up a bit, toward all things spiritual. 

Thinking about our conversation I decided to bring a recent purchase - a book about Saints - to work the next day.  We flipped to the back and started looking through the index.  Hmmmm now under these conditions who would be a good Saint to look up? First we  looked up our birthdays, ok these are good to know but didn't seem to be exactly right. Then we head to Saints for Personal Problems (being broke does really seem personal). Here we find, Saints invoked against Bad Luck (Agricola of Avignon), Desperate Situations (Gregory, The Wonderworker - now that sounds pretty good) and even Hopeless Cases (Jude - we decided that might be a bit overboard). Then low and behold there it is, right before our eyes under Occupations.  St. Lucy - the patron Saint of Salespersons.  Yep, she's the one!

We turn to Lucy on page 182 - I actually love that it's a woman Saint - fitting huh?  So not only does she cover Salespersons she's good for Gondoliers, Glaziers and Lamplighters and can be invoked against Dysentery, Eye Disease, Hemorrhage and Throat Disease. Wow, who knew?  We seemed pretty covered with her.

OK here's Lucy's story in a nutshell. She's from Sicily, wealthy and beautiful but her mother was troubled with an internal complaint.  So Lucy accompanied her to the shrine of the Virgin Martyr St. Agnes where her mother received a miraculous cure.  Lucy vowed right there to die a virgin and give all her worldly goods to the poor.  Now this greatly distressed her "fortune-hunting" fiancé so he denounces her as a Christian to authorities.  Bad news for Lucy – but as she is condemned to a brothel not even a team of oxen could move her from the place she stood.  She even survived an attempted burning at the stake and is said to have been praising God all the while.  OK,'s where the story gets a little gory. At some point during all this she plucks out her eyes and presents them to her suitor who had always admired them (her eyes that is).  Yowie!  She means business.  And she is also the "Santa Lucia" about whom all the gondoliers of Venice sing.

As our chat about Lucy transpired early we decide to ask her for a little guidance. This starts the day with us feeling pretty confident and optimistic.  Sometime after lunch the tinkle of the door bells fill the air and it’s my Up.  A nice couple walks in and I give the usual greeting of "What brings you to Rivergreen today?"  And the sales dance begins.  We hit it off right away; they are relocating from Chattanooga and need a home.  (Lucky me they’re in the right place).  I gather all the info I need and we head out to look at houses. After the wife mentally places all her furniture in the 3rd house I ask the big closing question - "shall we go back and write a contract on this one?"  And what do my listening ears hear???  "YES, let's do."  Oh wow, my first real floor pop!  Someone that comes in and goes to contract before they leave.  It doesn't happen a lot, but when it does it pretty wonderful.

I must have been there till 9pm that night writing the contract and Joanie was of course gone for the day.  But the next day I promise you we looked at each other and said ---

"St. go girl".
And of course a "Thanks be to God" just for good measure.