Chateau Bourbon

Thursday, August 5, 2010

They Remind Me To Be Thankful!


Just today as I walked through the lobby of my beautiful hotel I had to stop and think.........what am I thankful for?  Why you ask?  Because before me, in a most prominent place, was a huge banner welcoming 400+ soldiers.  Yes United States Army Soldiers, for a conference to help them realize that "they matter and they are important". 

Do you know what it does to you to see 400+ young men and women proudly clad on Army fatigues right in front of you?  I was in awe.  In awe of their numbers, sharp appearance, stature, obvious dedication to their mission (you can tell by watching them), and it all took my breath away.  Each soldier I encountered greeted me with a polite hello and I, of course, reponded likewise.  Again, almost breathless.  I can't convey the respect I have for these young, old, men, women.  I may not totally understand or agree with the wars they must fight, but I do agree they are "Our Finest".  And they are to be thanked and respected!  Nothing less!!!

I'm thankful the person who made the arrangements for them chose our hotel, but I truly feel the honor is all ours.  I think I would feel the very same way if they didn't pay a cent.  Actually in all reality, I think we do owe them!  And how could we ever re-pay them for their service.

I'm certain we will serve them with the usual courtesy we give all our guests.  But its my true desire they enjoy their nights on plush beds, the comfort of our surroundings, the glow of our awe, the abundance of the food and mostlyl the pride we take in having the honor to host them, if only for a few days.

God Bless them and Godspeed an end to all wars that require their service. 

Yes they do remind me to be thankful!


  1. Andrea: I knew you always got it because of Dad.And I got it because of him.You are right. All veterans and active duty should be treated with nothing but respect.Soldiers do not choose their wars they follow orders and go fight where they are told by people who we voted for.Always honor a vet and question the politician.

  2. Amen, signed the daughter of a Marine (WWII) and Army Reserve (Korea) vet! Love and miss you Daddy.
