Chateau Bourbon

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

"Just One More Thing"

Might just be the words that land the business.

My hotel uses a secret shopper service, you know the kind that catches you as 'you really are'.  It might actually be someone that comes and checks into the hotel, but in our case its a phone call.

As much as we all personally dread 'being shopped' it is perfect way to see how sales managers sell day to day.  Now of course there is a lot of conversation about this and managers always say "I know when I'm being shopped".  But do they? 

Recently a young, new to the industry, catering manager (who consistently  scores  100% on shop calls) got a call from a bride and she just knew was a shop.  So she did what we preach for all inquiry calls, she pulls out her check-list.  This are a 'cheat sheet' if you will of questions to qualify and gather information and includes reminders to offer features and benefits - (see previous blog "It's Not About The Bed" for more on f&b). But most importantly it prompts one to close (aka ask) for the business'.  See if you really use the check-list on every call (not just shop calls) you will book business (or at least the very least get perfect shop scores). 

Sara pulls out her 'cheat sheet' and begins the process (remember she thinks this is a shop).  She starts at the top and by golly is determined to get through the whole list. The poor bride on the other end is not only NOT SHOPPING HER, she is calling from her job.  And Sara presses on.

At some point the sweet bride (they're all sweet at first) says "Um I need to run, I'm at work".  "But I'll call you back".  To which Sara replies "Just one more thing" and keeps on down her list.  

Finally a now frustrated, yet sweet, bride begs..."I've really got to go!!"  I'm at work".  At which point I think Sara said she might have slipped in one more "Just one more thing".

Poor the cusp of losing her job (which she needs to pay for the outlandish wedding she is about to plan) and good ole Sara relentlessly asking.....asking.... qualifying....qualifying....not about to let her go.

Bottom line, Sara stays focused and on task, but with a nice demeanor.  And guess what...she almost always get the sales!  Why?  Because she's not afraid to say.... "Just one more thing"!  Until she gets to

"YES, send me the contract".

Hey Sara - "Just One More Thing" - you're my hero!  Keep up the terrific work. 

Oh and sure hope the 'sweet bride' didn't lose her job. 

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